Thursday, September 4, 2014

Artist statement.

Art is a profound form of expression.

In the attempt to impose structure on the chaos of the human society, my medium of preference is film. Film to me is the the perfect way to create visual interaction between viewer and creator. Camera work, whimsical editing, and sound stimulate the audience, which is my main goal when crafting video.
My artistic influences come from urban life and human behavior. Growing up in New York city, I've seen many different worlds immersed in one creating new stories the world should see.

An artist I respect and truly admire is Brandon Stanton founder of Humans of New York, for he ideally created something that was necessary for the world to see.

The amount of homeless people on the train scene and the unknown number of undocumented workers in New York, lead me to wonder why people endure given lifestyles. There was a moment in time where I got the opportunity to meet great people who lived a life non-existent to mine. More importantly, I feel determined to show others what I saw.
This is my story about our culture and what these people do each day, trying to sustain an American life cluttered by un-American rules. The need to know beyond the superficial leads me to observe social groups based on the rigid classifications we Americans unconsciously use. 

Although, film has been my best experience yet, I do touch base with other mediums such as animation, photography, and literature to obtain the best result when communicating with my audience.

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