The location I chose is the area outside of Hunter’s west building because it is a highly busy area and I wanted to be able to divide all the different sounds if possible.
Sitting outside of the 6 train entrance I can faintly hear the train arriving underground. Several conversations of students and by passers congest the area, as a fire truck passes instantly drowning all other sounds with the loud siren for the first few seconds.
My focus shifts back to the people who carry on with their conversations as if the fire truck didn't swift by. One student talks about her midterm her voice being projected to a group of peers she's with, also reaching the point where I'm sitting not to far from them. She rants about the length and content as one of her peers across from her interrupts and begins to describe one of her professors.
Another train unloads a group of people as multiple conversations rise up from the underground subway station via the stair case the voices get closer defining them in space. Two guys reaching the top talk about the bar and drinks.
An old lady asks some students to move over so she can pass while a girl asks for a cigarette and offers a dollar in exchange. Several voices say no sorry, while one voice rises from the background saying yes. The groups murmur and whisper amongst themselves as the girl walks away, her steps sound faint as the volume of everyone else reaches the foreground.
All of the different sounds were hard to separate since they all seem to immerse into a soundtrack. Surprisingly sitting in an area and trying to decipher each sound really puts into perspective how many things actually go on all around at the same time seamlessly.
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